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Dorothy and Patches

PFC Hill. Dorothy wearing Matt's army uniform. She had to be about 13 if this was 1945, and becoming quite the lovely young lady.

I was a little tyke when Matt came home on leave. Everybody was so excited. I went to the front door to greet him. I wasn't smart enough to realize the door opend inwards, and when Matt opened the door it peeled my little toe nails back. OUCH!

This was about the age that Dorothy was asked to babysit Valerie and I. We unrolled rolls of toilet paper in our bedroom. I think she spent the rest of the night re-rolling and probably told mom and dad... no more. We were hard on our sitters... and our sister Martha. We would be in bed and we would tell her to yell, she would but not very loud... "Louder" we said, and she did until mom heard her and came in and told her to go to sleep. We kept that up until mom gave her a swat. She was about 2 or 3.

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